The Raster company as one of the first advertising companies offers customers the opportunity to enrich their promotional campaigns with elements of Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented reality in three simple steps

Download the

application from

the Google Play,

App Store or by USB

Start the application and aim the camera to the ordered product

Enjoy of viewing 4D / AR

content on the screen

of your smartphone
or tablet

We offer for the buyers our free dedicated AR application (Augmented Reality) that will allow you to access 4D / AR content.

All you need to do is to start the application
and aim the smartphone or tablet camera to the product. The application will recognize
the product and generate 4D / AR elements
on the screen. Thanks to this we get an access to additional content like: animations,
movies or 3D models.

3D animations

of 3D products

3D models

Presentations, movies
and much more

Thanks to the additional content
of 4D / AR, the promoted product will become interactive and stay attractive
for longer. It will be „animated” every time the application is launched.

ul. Domaszowska 97a

25-320 Kielce, POLAND

tel.: +48 41 34 46 777

fax: +48 41 34 46 929